This app project was created for young adults whom enjoy attending all kind of events - not only concerts but also exhibitions, speaking panels, club parties or workshops. Not having a platform which can combine all of those in one place in Poland, I decided to dig deeper into the idea and develop a prototype of the app. The final project includes e.g. personalised feed based on users' preferences, possibility of purchasing the tickets that later will be saved on the account as a QR code and favourites section.
There is no service on the Polish market that combines all categories of cultural events and ticket purchase in one place. Main focus is on concerts and gigs which makes other cultural events hard to find. Users have to search for it on the organiser's dedicated website or Facebook, or know about the event before which can be cumbersome. It can also get lost and be forgotten by the user who saved it for later because of flipping between various of apps and websites.
My project of the event app combines and improves most of the used features in other platforms that responds to user's struggles and pain points. It focuses on personalised experiences based on user's preferences and makes it all about events for you. Without unnecessary posts, articles or ads.
My Responsibilities
UX research, UI design, Testing with users
Desk Research
In my theoretical part of my master thesis I focused mainly on the categories of cultural events, their history, components and factors. Also, I dedicated few chapters on the history of web apps to know more about its functionalities, differences, user experience in digital world and desirable features for users these days.
User Interviews
I conducted in-depth interviews on 6 participants to better understand users' behaviours, discover their pain points, establish ways and platforms to look for events online and possibilities to improve user experience in existing websites and apps. They were in the age group of 24 - 30 years old, living in bigger cities in Poland as representatives of my target group.
Competitive Analysis
I conducted a competitive analysis to identify competitor's strengths and weaknesses, get to know more about its features, and look for possible improvements. I focused on main platforms used on Polish market by young adults that were mentioned in the interviews. I also added two more ticket selling websites to look more into purchasing process.
After the discovery phase I started to outline the problems I want to answer with my product design - to have all the events more personalised for the user without buzz on social media and include other events such as workshop or exhibitions, not only the concerts.
User Persona
Based on the research and gathered data I created an user persona and identified its e.g. goals and frustrations to keep them in mind while designing the solutions for the project.
User Flow & Information Architecture
Before starting the design process I sketched initial user flows to better understand the process and establish which screens and pages will be necessary. Then I transferred them to more high fidelity diagrams and started to work on information architecture.
After establishing the user flow and information architecture I made sketches of app screens to better visualise the necessary sections and put ideas into UI elements. I collected feedback about them and then created wireframes to envision the hierarchy, size and proportion of elements.
User Testing
When I had most of the screens prepared and designed, I conducted user testing via Zoom with 8 participants. Because of COVID-19 pandemic I couldn't carry them out in person so I used Figma's features to follow the steps of users. I prepared testing scenario with tasks to do in order to check the accessibility, functionalities and see how real users navigate in the app.
Final Design